Advertising on other Web sites and building link partnerships is an effective means of driving more traffic to your site. Because there are billions of sites on the Internet today, trying to monitor all of the sites in which you’ve invested advertising dollars and the sites that you have built partnerships with, makes for a tough job. It is a daunting task trying to keep track of all the advertising links, banner ads and your link exchange partnerships that have accumulated over time.
To keep content fresh and new, Web site owners will update their site with redesigns and deletions. Unfortunately sometimes your links will inadvertently disappear from the site, in which you have paid for advertising; the web site can change ownership, and your link removed; as well as any number of other possibilities. Or the link exchange partnership pages were changed and your link was removed without notice to you. But fortunately for you this problem can easily be solved by Link CheckUp.
Link CheckUp can monitor the sites that you have links on to ensure that you are getting your advertising dollars worth and/or your link exchange partnerships are still intact. Link CheckUp eliminates the need for you to visit all the sites manually and checking each link individually.
Link CheckUp has a very easy to use interface that will save you loads of time! You can enter an unlimited number of Web sites and check one or all of them at the same time. Simply enter your information, click on the Check Sites button, and Link CheckUp will run through all Web sites until it’s done checking each site. more